2013-08-28 by xiugai
Use copper and aluminum rodCopper and aluminum welding material, drug-core copper Aluminium Welding Electrode wire welding temperature 420 ℃ ~ 490 ℃, easy to operate, you can use city gas, liquefied petroleum gas, acetyleneGas welding, without addition of flux, solder joints, high strength, good sealing, can brazed aluminum - aluminum, copper - aluminum. Refrigeration and air conditioning is iceBoxes, motors, transformers and other industries to achieve the ideal of copper aluminum welding materials, with conservation of resources, energy, environmental protection and many other advantages, give aHouseholds bring enormous economic and social benefits.

2013-08-28 by xiugai
1. Aluminum electrode welding is the most commonly used flame Tungsten Welding Electrodegun, also called Feng welding, etc. is through oxygen acetylene gas welding torch flame to heatWire to weld fusion products.2. In TIG welding of aluminum has also been widely used, the most common is to use welding machine, welding.