All types of welding solutions
2011-03-09 by seoer
If melted by welding rod coating, to classify the characteristics of slag, welding can be divided into acidic and alkaline electrode electrode electrode coating of acid the main component of acid oxides such as silica, titanium dioxide, trioxide iron, basic welding rod coating mainly composed of alkaline oxides, such as marble and fluorite.
According to the use of electrodes, welding electrodes can be divided into: structural steel welding, heat-resistant steel electrode, stainless steel welding rod, welding electrodes, low temperature steel electrodes, cast iron welding rod, nickel and nickel alloy electrodes, copper and copper alloys, aluminum and aluminum alloys and special purpose welding rod.
If the electrode coating in accordance with the main chemical components to classify, welding can be divided into: titanium welding rod, welding rod calcium titanium oxide, ilmenite welding rod, welding rod of iron oxide, cellulose type electrode, low hydrogen type electrode , graphite electrode and the base type electrode
Under different circumstances, there are three types of welding classification: use classification by welding, by coating the main chemical composition, by coating the characteristics of molten slag classification
keywords: aluminium welding electrodes, mig welding rod, cast iron welding wire, brazing alloy