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Welding small knowledge analysis
2012-04-20 by seoer6
1, Welding Rod, welding weldment caused changes in size, known as the welding deformation 2. Occur welding coordinate force and deformation of the identity of many, there is a world best foundation (weldment heat does not average) produced in frequently used for the thermal disposal (group thermal disposal, the disposal of part of the heat) 4. preparedness wave deformation can be where two hands? (Low welding residual stress) (progress weldment buckling critical stress). Five kinds of welding deformation in the most fundamental (tightening the deformation). Have the layout of the flip premise, should use (two facing title) groove situation. fair plan should, as far as possible to weld placed in the layout of the cross-section (neutral axis), a decisive question. weld metal cooling from a liquid to solid, the volume contraction. (√) 2 weldment rigid and the greater the level of formality around the weldment deformation greater the smaller the welding coordinate force. (X) 3. Various length flat butt welding, the weld length, the greater the tensile stress of the central authority. (√) 4. Metal in the welding, the greater the stiffness, the greater the internal stress. (√). Welding residual stress in the presence of more low brittle material layout static strength. (√) 6 in order to reduce the welding residual stress, should be adopted stiffness welding discussion. (×) 7. Welding! Matter when the greatest force of the weld should be welded. (√) the use of cold welding method, the ambient humidity should be as low as possible. (X) 9 stretch contained Hejia higher the tightening offset more deformation, residual stress relieving less completely. (×) 10. Weldment cross-sectional area of ??the greater, the greater the deformation of the weldment vertical tightening quality. (×) choice question. Metal shear, bending stress Qiexiao, stamping, casting and hot and cold processing (plastic deformation stress). To deal with soldering or welding repair brittle favor of the larger material weldment, and the stiffness of the large or brittle material, welding often adopted (preheat method). crunch distortion and the weldment ductility and a lot of identity, there is a world impact (heat output). 4 weldment transverse tightening along the purpose of welding the subject (from small to big). Similar size components, the adoption of the submerged arc than the adoption of the SMAW its horizontal tightening (small) 6. Occur (distorted deformation) reason important to weld the angle deformation along the weld length the subject of the purpose of spreading uneven. . Remain important margin method is used to guard against the weldment (the crunch distortion) 8 (anti-deformation method) is used to restraint the angular distortion and deformation. 9 to deal with the certain weld symmetric placement of the layout, and often occurs after welding (bending) 10 (flame heating correction) for correcting the bending angle deformation, ...... term that a welding layout process: refers to the Welding Electrode layout of the plan into detailed producer under the premise of the possibility of economic production, and the feasibility of the adoption of the most useful technology nothing. (2) process of order: delineation of the product or process documents of the parts production process procedures and manipulation of nothing. Processes: one or a group of workers, the address of a computer equipped with a matter of one or of several of weldment continuous realization that sector technology process. Station: a division of the process, the weldment share of processing equipment every position known as the workpiece in a process. The short answer from the perspective of reducing stress to join elucidation of the layout of the fair. (1) as much as possible to prevent the weld too to join the discussion of the situation (3) (2) as far as possible the adoption of the fair as possible to prevent the member section of the gradient (4) the use of composite layout elucidate layout from the point of view of reducing the the welding coordinate force and deformation justice (1) as far as possible to reduce the number of fill metal on the number of layout on the weld and weld. (2) try to use the symmetry of the member section and weld position. (3) try to reduce the size of the weld cross section. (4) The adoption of fair device welding order. (5) to prevent the various weld set pay. Process of order probation? (1) is a guide produced important skill file (2) bridge (3) plans new plant or expansion produced in the composition and produced for the fundamental skills, conversion of old factory (4) the exchange ancestors resume
keywords: welding rods